up to +1100....i`m starting to get serious about the 10 or 20 spot on st john for chits and giggles...i agree that martin should punish st john,but -1850?....i honestly only have normal sized testicles and thats way outta my league....if somebody decides to lay that wood,please post your intentions....i need a new hero.....g.l.
p.s.-i know this sounds a little crazy but,what if christy martin decided to get rich friday night?....at +1100 and moving up faster than sputnick,think about the real payday potential here....and the opportunity for another lucrative payday and then she could punish st john....and this way,she could get lucia rjyker off her ass....i believe rjyker would punish christy martin and i know for a fact that martin is avoiding her like the tax man....
the female food chain(thanks mike tyson /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif)
st john(little latina pepperpot outta her league-but better looking)